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Bread of Life: The Christian Life Through the Lens of the Eucharist: Foreword by Bishop Roger Jupp

- 144 Pages
Published: 19/01/2023

Regular price £11.15
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Bread of Life is a major new multi-media resource that aims to meet the needs of communities in the Catholic tradition of the Church of England. It consists of six modules which broadly follow the structure of the Eucharist. The modules have been designed with flexibility in mind: they can be delivered in any order; each can stand alone; and a module may be followed over one or several sessions, depending on what would best suit the community involved. Written by leading thinkers in the Catholic tradition of the Church of England, Bread of Life is ideal as preparation for confirmation and first communion, as a refresher course in the Christian faith, or as a course for Lent or Advent. It is expected that further modules will be commissioned over time, but the initial six are: 1 I am the bread of life 2 He has reconciled us to God 3 The word of the Lord 4 Hear our prayer 5 The body of Christ 6 Go in peace to love and serve the Lord Each teaching session follows the structure of Gathering (welcome and optional opening liturgy), Word (teaching supported by video, audio, slides and writing), Communion (discussion among the group) and Sending out (practical applications and optional closing liturgy). Videos, podcasts, PowerPoint slides and theological background material for each module can be downloaded from The course has received considerable investment from CBS (The Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament) and across the Church. This is reflected in the quality of the videos - which have been specially commissioned and filmed in biblical locations such as Jerusalem and across the UK - and in the attractive course book, designed to accompany participants through their involvement with Bread of Life and on their ongoing faith journey.