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More than Meets the Eye: Antidotes, Connections and Escapes in Poetry

- 144 Pages
Published: 03/02/2014

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In this collection of poetry, you may find words to delight, intrigue or evoke awareness of things half-forgotten. More Than Meets the Eye points to the idea that the personal experiences of life are not meaningless and chaotic, and that there really is more to life than appears on the surface. The poems in this collection combine the expression of honest and deeply felt personal experiences and observations with a gently insistent recognition of the all-encompassing yet intimate realities which lie behind life. They seek to share the joys of life, the longings we feel and the need we have to be known and recognised - to be part of things. In bucking the trends of excessive cynicism, subjectivism or mysticism these poems seek out straightforward yet deep human feelings and a desire for real life. In sharing experiences and observations in an entertaining and sometimes humorous way, they hint at a route whose signposts have become rather obscured in today's world. They provide an antidote to the poisonous effect on our lives of much modern positivism (with its underlying emptiness), a sense of the connection between the ordinary and the spiritual, and a sense of escape from the feeling of being trapped in a culture which does not recognise the individual. Those uneasy about new directions in our society or recent developments in religion might find a quiet place of empathy and comfort, and quite a few serious talking-points. Others will be justified in simply finding entertainment.